Best Snacks For Kids Sports


Most families are back to school by now or soon to be and that means it is time for sports to kick back up again. It is important that we keep our kiddos hydrated but also fueled with healthy snacks while playing. 

Here is a list to give you some ideas to pack for snacks at their practice or games:

Butterfly snack. Make a butterfly snack out of a clothespin and a snack baggie. Throw whatever delicious healthy snacks in the same baggie and clip the clothespin between them.


Veggie roll-ups.  Slice some veggies up and roll them up in a thinly sliced cucumber or with any tortilla wrap you want. These are easy to do and great during halftime or after practices/games for a quick healthy bite.

Rainbow fruit snacks. No kid can refused a rainbow treat! Layer some colorful fruit in plastic cups with lids. Pre-making them makes it great for grab-and-go. 

S'mores trail mix. Make your own delicious trail mix for half-times. Put your favorites in there like, tiny marshmallows, nuts, dried berries, chocolate chips, and some teddy graham crackers. 

Peanut Butter Energy Balls. Packed full of protein, this yummy treat is great before, during, or after your children's sports games. They only take a quick 25 minutes to prepare and no oven necessary!

Healthy Bento Boxes. Grab these three easy ingredients jerky, granola, and dried fruit. Put them a tupperware with separators. This snack is great added fuel for long days of of tournaments. 


Kelsey Glynn is a blogger and owner of Social Graces, a business to support others in their social media needs. She is a contributing blog writer for East Valley Moms Blog, a social media content creator, and an avid photo taker. You can catch her adventuring around AZ and living the mom life on Instagram.

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  • Kelsey Glynn

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