How Parents Can Get Involved in Schools


Your role as a parent plays an important part in your children's lives. They look up to you and follow your lead. Having parents involved  and engaged within schools and their communities lead to better children's achievement. In recognition of Parent Leadership Month for the month of February, we want to share ideas on how you can get involved in schools and your community. 

Become a Class Parent - This involvement can be really hands on within the classroom. This volunteer role helps to coordinate other volunteers and donations for the teacher and the classroom. This might entail helping to craft, planning class parties, organizing teacher gifts, and helping to coordinate school wide events.

Get involved in the school PTA - If you decide to take the time to be a part of your child's school PTA you will be able to help make decisions affecting your child and other children attending the school. You will be able to voice your opinion and help with fundraising for the school. This is a great way to get involved for busy parents because most meeting are in the evenings. 

Chaperone field trips - When a class takes a field trip there needs to be extra hands and watchful eyes to keep all the kids at bay. Most of the time they also require a certain ratio of adults to kids, to mitigate any risky things happening. Being a chaperone will involve helping with the itinerary and logistics of the class field trip and of course watching over kids on the field trip.

Participate in a fundraising event - Fundraisers take many people to help and lots of coordination. Sign up to bring a baked good item, or volunteer to run a booth. Help in anyway possible to help fundraiser be a great success. 

Assist with extracurricular activities - Your child might be interested in clubs and other organizations outside the classroom. Lend a helping hand by helping to run them, or volunteering your time within the club too. 

National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools data states that when the parents are more involved with their children's school their child is most likely to get better grades, perform better on tests, and go onto secondary education. Taking a leadership role within schools helps to better your child's education and so many other children benefit as well. We hope to hear about all the ways you will be getting involved. Me4kidz  provides family-friendly first aid kits that are great at home and within the classroom to heal any ouchies so that you can all  quickly get back to playing and learning. 


Kelsey Glynn is a blogger and owner of Social Graces, a business to support others in their social media needs. She is a contributing blog writer for East Valley Moms Blog, a social media content creator, and an avid photo taker. You can catch her adventuring around AZ and living the mom life on Instagram.

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  • Kelsey Glynn

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