About Us

me4kidz® offers the largest array of kid-friendly healthcare solutions on the market today.  Innovative, non-toxic, bpa free, earth-friendly, filling the gap between private label and licensed brands, Pediatrician approved, multiple award winning and latex free. 

The mediaid® division offers products geared toward a broader audience.  

They do their part in keeping our earth green
by using recycled, lead-free plastic.

me4kidz® is also proudly partnered with non-profit organizations to humbly provide consistent work for those of various disabilities; allowing them the opportunity to feel a sense of need in the community & increased self esteem. In doing so,

most of their products are proudly put together by
loving & caring individuals with disabilities.

These are all the little ways that this family makes a difference one little owie at a time. They truly love what they do and they strive for you to love it too! They are not just any first aid company... they are a first aid company that cares.

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