16 Ways Moms Can Practice Self-Care


Living the mom-life is really hard and rarely do we get a moment to ourselves. Some of us are stay-at-home moms or working moms, and we all can agree on one thing, that taking time for yourself is lacking. When it comes time to taking time for us, we tend to feel guilty, but self-care is not self-fish. It is important to take some time to do some self-care, it will allow you to feel re-energized and rebooted. Self-care can be a number of different things to different people. Trust us mama, it is okay to take a small amount of time each day to focus on yourself and what makes you feel good emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

Here are some great ideas for any mama to practice self-care:
  • Read a good book for 20 to 30 minutes everyday. Try it in the morning before the kids wake up or 30 minutes before you go to sleep. 
  • Do a few minutes of meditation each day. There are some great meditation phone apps out there to help guide you. Clear your mind and de-stress!
  • Go get a manicure or pedicure, or even both! The best part is they give you a mini-massage on your arms and legs. 
  • Create a skincare routine that you can manage. Taking time to take care for your skin will make you feel good. Do a face mask once a week too!
  • Take a walk outside. Get some fresh air during the day, even if you have to haul the kids with you. If you are working mom, take a break and step outside.
  • Get your work out on. Take 30 minutes to yourself to sweat a little bit and raise your heart rate. Even if you can't leave the house there's so many great at-home workouts to try.
  • Get off social media for a whole day and just focus on you and not what others are doing. 
  • Say no. Some things in our life are not critical to do and we get pulled in a million different directions as a mother. It is okay to say no and don't feel guilty about it.
  • Go to bed early and get some extra Z's. What better way to take care of yourself then to sleep a little extra. 
  • Write a list of 10 things that you are grateful for and why. Keep them close to you as a reminder on days that aren't going your way.
  • Take a nap. Have your significant other watch the kids and rest your mind, spirit & body. 
  • Listen to your favorite music. Whether at work or home with the kids, put on your favorite tunes that bring a smile to your face. 
  • Have dinner with a friend. It is important to stay connected to our friends during motherhood. Plan a fun girls night out. 
  • Watch your favorite movie or catch up on a TV show. Zone out for a bit and watch something that makes you happy.
  • Have work-life balance. For those working mamas set your working hours and stick to them. 
  • Give yourself grace. Be kind to yourself and keep away from negative self-talk. 

Mama you deserve to take some time for yourself. You work hard day in and day out and need to remember to take care of you. We get it; motherhood is hard sometimes, to help with any bumps and bruises along the way, me4kidz offers family-friendly first aid kits. Check out our mom-approved products here


Kelsey Glynn is a blogger and owner of Social Graces, a business to support others in their social media needs. She is a contributing blog writer for East Valley Moms Blog, a social media content creator, and an avid photo taker. You can catch her adventuring around AZ and living the mom life on Instagram.

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  • Kelsey Glynn

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